Categories: Fences

Three Questions To Ask Your Fencing Contractor Before Installation

Many of us spend more time at home, so we may consider adding to our property. Some additions can be done during a relaxed weekend, while others may require professional help. Installing a fence is one such job that is better left to the experts, given the scale of the project and the nuances of regulations involved. However, before hiring a fencing contractor, asking them a few questions is crucial to ensure the project’s success.

Does The Company Have Reviews Or References?

When installing a fence, it’s crucial to find an experienced and reputable installer who can ensure the job is done right. A seasoned professional can provide quality work that meets all necessary codes and standards. At the same time, someone inexperienced or with a poor reputation may not be able to deliver the same results. 

To find a good installer, it’s a good idea to ask for a list of references from past customers. These references can give insight into the installer’s practices, performance, and overall experience. If you prefer, you can also check for online reviews on websites like Facebook or Google. 

A trustworthy fencing installer should be willing to provide references without hesitation, so don’t be afraid to ask. Doing your research ahead of time can ensure that you choose an installer who will get the job done right and leave you satisfied with the result.

What’s The Timeline For The Project ?

An explicit agreement with your contractors on how long the installation will take is essential. Although fence installation is not lengthy, it is still a somewhat involved process requiring contractors to be in your yard. Therefore, it’s recommended that you ask your installer to provide you with a projected end date and regular progress updates, such as when the posts will be up when the panels are attached, and when you can expect your fence to be stained and painted. This information will help you plan better and give you an idea of the installer’s expertise and professionalism.

What Are The Costs?

When it comes to fence installation, the cost can often be the deciding factor. While an initial estimate is helpful, it’s important to remember that it’s only an estimate. To avoid surprises during the project, request a detailed and itemized cost sheet from your installer. This will allow you to compare the estimate with the actual cost and identify any discrepancies that need to be addressed with the installer.

Trust Eastern Shore Porch and Patio

When you embark on your next project for your property, trust Eastern Shore Porch and Patio to help. We service Bethany Beach, Ocean City, Lewes, Salisbury, and the Delmarva area. You can request a quote today! If you have questions or concerns, call us at 302-436-9520 or send us an email at info@esvinylproducts.com. For updates and ideas, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.


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