Categories: Deck

Three Tips To Make Your Vinyl Deck More Safe This Winter

This winter, you should take the time to make your vinyl deck safer, especially if you have young children or elderly relatives spending time on your deck. Applying these safety measures to your vinyl deck will help to ensure that you and your guests remain unharmed. Please take a look at these practical safety tips for your vinyl deck.

Make your vinyl deck safer!

Replace Damaged Deck Membranes

The membrane, or top layer of your vinyl deck, functions similarly to an umbrella. The membrane keeps your deck dry and working if it’s in good condition, but water may quickly seep in and ruin your deck if a hole appears. A vinyl deck’s structural integrity can be jeopardized if its membrane fails. This can cause mold and rot. We need to check for any symptoms of damage right away.

Ensure That All Railings Are Functional

A catastrophe could occur in the future due to unstable posts or railings. Sometimes, all that must be done is to check and tighten a few screws and nuts. However, if you want to ensure the safety of your deck, you may need to completely replace the railings and posts once they reach a certain age. Bring in the Eastern Shore Porch And Patio professionals to assess the damage level if you need clarification.

Make Sure That Your Steps Are Durable

It would be best if you always prioritized your safety when using the steps on your vinyl deck. Fall risk increases significantly when the stairwell is disorganized, has loose stair treads, or is covered in a slick substance that does not provide adequate traction. If you frequently use your deck, it’s a good idea to inspect the condition of the steps and fix any apparent damage, but it’s also a good idea to look into slip-proof surfaces that are worth putting in.

Trust Eastern Shore Porch and Patio

When you embark on your next project for your property, trust Eastern Shore Porch and Patio to help. We service Bethany Beach, Ocean City, Lewes, Salisbury, and the Delmarva area. You can request a quote today! If you have questions or concerns, call us at 302-436-9520 or send us an email at info@esvinylproducts.com. For updates and ideas, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

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