Contrary to popular belief, there are many different reasons why it is best to build your deck during the winter.
If you are thinking about waiting until the spring to add a deck to your house, you should reconsider. A lot of homeowners believe that spring is the very best time to build a deck, but the reality is that the winter is a better time to take on this kind of project. Yes, it may seem counterintuitive. Contrary to popular belief, there are many different reasons why it is best to build your deck during the winter to enjoy it when the spring arrives. Read on to learn why it’s a good idea to build a deck this winter.
You Won’t Have to Wait to Enjoy Your Deck
Building your deck during the winter means you won’t have to worry about it during the spring. You can begin enjoying your deck as soon as winter has ended. This means your family will have to use more time to use your new home addition. Also, building your deck in the winter is key because you will have a lot more contractors from which to pick. More contractors are available during the winter since there is less work for them to do.
Winter is The Best Time for Staining Your Deck
Contrary to popular belief, spring isn’t the best time to stain a wood deck. During the summer and spring months, the weather is usually more humid. Wood will tend to absorb the moisture within the air. If you stain wood in humid weather, it might lead to cracking and peeling. This makes it much harder for the wood to absorb the staining treatment. Also, direct sunlight could create watermarks on the wood. If you wish to avoid all of this entirely, consider building a composite deck instead. You will not have to worry about consistent staining and cleaning with a composite deck.
You Need Time to Obtain Building Permits
This is one of the most overlooked factors when building an addition to your house. Depending on the county you live in, getting the right permits could take some time. You are at the mercy of your local government when it comes to this. If you begin early, you should be able to secure the right permits in a more reasonable time period. Additionally, if there are any setbacks in the process, it’ll be less likely to prevent you from enjoying your deck during the spring.
You Won’t Do as Much Damage to Your Landscape
When spring starts, there is more moisture on the ground due to thawing. Water will make the ground unstable, which means when contractors install your deck on your lawn, it will leave marks. Stable ground during the winter means workers will cause minimal damage when they are working on your house.
Trust Eastern Shore Porch and Patio
When you embark on your next project for your property, trust Eastern Shore Porch and Patio to help. We service Bethany Beach, Ocean City, Lewes, Salisbury, and the Delmarva area. You can request a quote today! If you have questions or concerns, call us at 302-436-9520 or send us an email at info@esvinylproducts.com. For updates and ideas, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube.