There are many different kinds of areas for outdoor living spaces, and sometimes people use them differently.
Patios and decks are excellent for outdoor living. These living spots are a part of many houses in the country. They allow you to entertain, relax, and do many other things without being stuck inside. People love these outdoor structures since they enable them to stay in touch with nature while enjoying some sun and open air. There are many different kinds of areas for outdoor living spaces, and sometimes people use them differently. Here are some of the best options for your outdoor living spot!
A deck could be found in the back, front, side, or intersection of two sides of your home. It is generally a flat space constructed using lumber and then elevated from the ground. While most decks are simple, open spaces, there are also a lot that are enclosed within railings. Decks usually are uncovered, but in hotter spots, a pergola or canopy could provide shelter from the sun. In most cases, a decking remodel adds a bit of shade for more comfortable outdoor activities. Decks are also wonderful additions near a swimming pool.
When you see a covered spot fronting the main entrance of a house, that is a porch. It is quite common for a porch to have its own columns, railings, walls, or screens as an external structure. It is a favorite sitting spot for many. It could be an extended portion of the home for entertainment and relaxation. A portico is very similar to a porch but typically much smaller and not used for entertainment.
A patio is an outdoor spot that is used mostly for entertainment and dining. It is a paved and commonly adjacent area that is near greenery or a garden. Cobblestones, tile, bricks, concrete, and other types of similar hard materials usually make up the flooring. Other furniture and plants go hand-in-hand with patios. A lanai is a kind of roofed porch, but it is more prevalent in other areas of the country with tropical-themed homes.
Balconies are generally found above the ground floor. They’re usually walled or enclosed by railings and held together by columns or brackets. Most are too small for furniture or entertainment, although larger ones are big enough to accommodate furniture and multiple people at once.
Pergolas are typically like your average patio, but with some outdoor structure towering over the top as a roof. They are a good addition if you’re looking to add some shade and comfort towards your existing patio.
Trust Eastern Shore Porch and Patio
When you embark on your next project for your property, trust Eastern Shore Porch and Patio to help. We service Bethany Beach, Ocean City, Lewes, Salisbury, and the Delmarva area. You can request a quote today! If you have questions or concerns, call us at 302-436-9520 or send us an email at info@esvinylproducts.com. For updates and ideas, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube.